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corridors : study topics

How can we study, measure, monitor, store and compare the differences between an urban corridor and the rest of the city?
What are the levels, domains, areas, … we have to look into?

What sustainable technology do we have to develop to monitor the (changes in) environmental urban layers?
We can work with TIME CAPSULES, showing slices in time of a specific OpenGreen in the Corridor, represented by its environmental data.
What data do we add to the Time Capsule?

  • Plant diversity
  • air quality
  • degree of pollution / small particles
  • soil quality
  • all meteo elements (rain/wind/sun)

activity patterns

  • economic
  • social
  • cultural
  • historical

bio markers
A biomarker, or biological marker, is an indicator of a biological state. It is a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention. It is used in many scientific fields.
In cell biology, a biomarker is a molecule that allows for the detection and isolation of a particular cell type.
In medicine, a biomarker can be a traceable substance that is introduced into an organism as a means to examine organ function or other aspects of health.

In Vena Verbum (‘Message in a vein’) makes people aware of the fact that plants are much more than static, decorative objects. Tiddo Bakker and the Center for Biosystem Genomics reveal to us the hidden world of plants by developing an instrument that measures the activity of the chloroplast. Thus you see that the plant continuously responds to light, temperature, CO2 levels in the air, food and water in the soil. The medium gives the plant a voice, as it were. “Although we are responsible for the ups and downs of our plants, we do not see how plants respond to us – but we can measure it,” says Tiddo.

Eat less, live longer – and pray for beans is the title of an installation with imaginary recipes from the year 2030, a “food time machine”. The investigation into the composition of the recipes is based on the ‘Getting Old Together’ study of the Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing, in which subjects were moving more and eating less. Designers Zackery Denfeld and Cathrine Kramer devised recipes for four different future scenarios, among which is one where the Netherlands will receive food aid from India.”What is the impact of climate change, trade and energy on the Dutch food culture?” Zack and Cathrine wonder.

representation of the Time Capsule
we can compose a capsule with different items:

  • pollen (and plant determination through the pollen)
  • dried plants with a description of the active constituents and a representation of the %
  • strips of paper colored by the degree of air pollution on a specific timeslot,
  • dead bees with their descriptions
corridors-topics.1340201106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/13 17:46 (external edit)